vendredi 11 septembre 2009

Simple Life

Summary of the video: this video is talking about simplicity, which is more complicated to make things simple than ever.

My analysis: My analysis of this video is pretty ''simple'', actually. John Maeda asks himself what simplicity is all about. He says that some complicated things are, in fact, pretty simple. For example, a car is way more bigger than a digital camera but the user's manual of the car is way more smaller than the manual for the digital camera. The ''simpliest'' way to say what Mr. Maeda is trying to say is ''Simplicity is about living life with more enjoyment with less pain''. He gaves an excellent example about a child and different tasks. If you give to a child, two different cookies. a smaller one full of chocolate and the other one, which is bigger but iwht less chocolate, the child will logicaly chose the bigger one because they want to enjoy their life. If you give them a huge pile of clothes for laundry and a smaller one, they will take the smaller one because they want to play right after. A simple conclusion for my analysis is, live your life with less worries but make it enjoyable for everyone around you! (Link to the video)

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